
domingo, 6 de febrero de 2022



Hi, I’m a 14-year-old who uses Quora. Once, I was like the rest of the people my age: stupid, purposefully uneducated, and with the completely wrong priorities.

But now, I am enlightened. After watching six straight hours of Ben Shapiro debates, I can finally say that I have risen above the level of normal teenage intelligence, and—dare I say—normal human intelligence. I am tired of what my demographic does to absolutely embarrass itself on this platform and in the real world.

First of all, everyone in my school has these annoying “friend groups” and “cliques.” They all talk like they need to retake the third grade English class, and the jokes that they make are so blunt and unrefined that I almost thought I was talking to a bunch of apes! They spend every waking hour playing Fortnite, partying, and not studying.

Personally, I think that if these people just picked up a copy of George Orwell’s 1984, or maybe Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged, they would all forget their hedonistic hobbies and actually get somewhere in life. I don’t have any friends, but honestly, I’d much rather curl up in my cozy armchair reading. And none of that modern-day young adult mumbo jumbo. I only read 18th century English philosophy.

And don’t even get me started on the music. Everyone is blasting this simplistic hip-hop and trap music through Bluetooth speakers. Like honestly, how can talking over a generic beat be considered music?? I only listen to old-school rock and classical music.

Everyone my age is so uninformed about current events. Most people in my school probably couldn’t name the Vice President of the US! I, on the other hand, spend hours a day reading up on all the latest news. None of that garbage like BBC or CNN, I only read Breitbart and The Daily Wire. And I can name the exact amount of time, to the minute, that the US government has been shut down.

Now let’s talk about the teens who use Quora. This website is a platform for intellectuals and knowledge, for people who have something worthy to contribute. Quora teens just show up and bring all their clique-forming habits and lax manner of writing with them. It literally burns my eyes every time I see one of those annoying teens’ answers in my feed.

They’re full of inside jokes, lazy grammar, and memes. I only write about history and politics, but my content gets no recognition compared to these dumb survey question writers. I and others on this platform who have little recognition deserve better than these primitive Quora teens.

All these dumb liberal teens who just follow their parents’ opinions. Don’t they know that the Wall will pay for itself, modern feminism is bullshit, and that Boy Scouts has the word Boy in it?

I hope that any adults reading this answer will recognize just how much of a prodigious wunderkind I am and praise me to the ends of the earth for my talent and immense wealth of knowledge. I also hope that any teens reading this answer will come to realize just how much of a baboon they are and take my advice to become a more enlightened individual.

Oh yeah, did I mention that Fortnite sucks?

67 comments from 
Emmanuel-Francis Nwaolisa Ogomegbunam
 and more
Build, battle, and barter your way through the ages in this award-winning game.

I am a very tolerant person, and am very proud of my many valiant efforts to help oppressed minorities. I do this not because it gives me joy, but out of a certain moral obligation that I–as an extremely upright person–feel, and out of pure compassion and love for my fellow person of indiscriminate gender.

However (and it pains me greatly to even mutter these words), there are others who do not feel as I. There are others who have no tolerance, no intelligence, and no respect. They are little ...

Upgrade to Quora+ to access this answer

I stuck my dick in a copy of Isaac Newton’s Principia once. That’s how devoted I am to BEING A STEM MAJOR.

I’m not saying I’m better than liberal arts majors.

I’m saying that I’m more employable and more intelligent.* There’s a difference. I know that because I studied it as a math mechanics engineering major with a minor in computer science technical statistical integration modeling.

See, it’s a well-known fact in the STEM community that STEM majors have a 200% higher IQ than the average Gender Studies major (I learned that in my neuropsychology aphrodisiology class — if you haven’t taken course

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48 comments from 
Emily Fisher
 and more

I’m a genuine centrist. Unlike anyone else on this forum.

I hate liberals because they don’t have any compassion for their opponents. They dismiss all Republicans as racists and fools. They don’t see how prejudiced they are.

I hate conservatives because they don’t have any compassion for their opponents. They dismiss all Democrats as snowflakes and traitors. They don’t see how prejudiced they are.

But I’m in the middle. I don’t engage in stereotypes of any kind. What I try to do is unite the two sides.

In practice, that means telling liberals how wrong they are about conservatives and vice versa. 

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17 comments from 
Mike Reilly
 and more

I voted X.

I did so because it was the only sensible and rational choice.

I weighed up all the factors, with complete objectivity, and concluded that as a reasonably intelligent person, I needed to put aside my personal reservations about the candidate and vote X. Infraction McDubious may be a flawed person, but at least stands for things I believe in.

McDubious’ opponent, by contrast, Folly McCriminal, is someone I could never, ever have voted for. Look at McCriminal’s public record: crime after crime, dishonesty compiled upon dishonesty.

It used to baffle me that anyone could possibly support a 

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10 comments from 
Rich Gore
 and more

I’m White.

Not just White, but WHITE. And a male. And into girls. Cisgender, if you will.

That’s me. I’m going to start shaving because the Gillette advertisement was SO WOKE, so excuse me for the beard.

I just hate White people. Why do you ask?

We literally ENSLAVED black people for thousands of years! I mean, I am sure my grandfather owned a few of them! We have to get those people to go to college! I had a Black friend in high school and he so deserved to get into some school!

Anyways, I go to a D1 University and hate to see so many white people! Blacks need some sort of savior. I mean, those pe

… (more)
18 comments from 
Sophia Dora Weiler
 and more

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