por que no les preguntas a los de Lago Escondido cuantas monedas tenia en el bolsillo..
Why don't you ask those from Lago Escondido how many coins he had in his pocket...
tampo fue a Ucrania.., no dejo la vida ahi....
donde se....violan los derechos humanos y ahora quieren
0.16 -- 7 enero 2023
quitate los zapatos antes de entrar en la casa de un japones
take off your shoes before entering the house of a japanese
Claro, no le van a comprar a cada persona un par de pantuflas
Of course, they are not going to buy each person a pair of slippers
Cuando comas si debes poner tus palillos en la mesa...
when you eat if you should put your chopsticks on the table...
Hay japoneses cancheros con los palillos en la oreja como los almaceneros con el lapiz en la oreja.
There are Japanese cancheros like the storekeepers in the ear.
no pases comida de palillo a palillo....
Don't pass food from toothpick to toothpick...
llena la copa de un japones y el hara lo mismo por ti...
fill the cup with a Japanese and he will do the same for you...
el ingles es un lenguaje mucho mas facil de aprender que el calmuco
English is a much easier language to learn than Kalmyk.
0.16 -- 7 January 2023
take off your shoes before entering the house of a Japanese
quitate los zapatos antes de entrar en la casa de un japones
Of course, they are not going to buy each person a pair of slippers
when you eat if you should put your chopsticks on the table...
There are Japanese cancheros like the storekeepers in the ear.
Don't pass food from toothpick to toothpick...
fill the cup with a Japanese and he will do the same for you...
English is a much easier language to learn than Kalmyk.
0.16 -- 7 enero 2023
quitate los zapatos antes de entrar en la casa de un japones
take off your shoes before entering the house of a japanese
claro, no le van a comprar a cada persona un par de pantuflas
cuando comas si debes poner tus palillos en la mesa...
hay japoneses cancheros como los almaceneros en la oreja.
no pases comida de palillo a palillo....
llena la copa de un japones y el ara lo mismo por ti...
el ingles es un lenguaje mucho mas facil que el calmuco
chapoteando en esta tierra anegadiza.......
la otra noche me confese con el cura de santa clara
tuvo el capricho de reproducir su propia figura
el ñandu quiso subir al cielo.., cuando se entero chu chu saco las boleadoras y se las tiro al ñandu...y es ahora la cruz del sur...mas alfa y beta del centauro.....
tomo las caricaturas de cha chau....cuando vieron esos objetos de barro moverse....desde entonces gualichu se lamenta con la voz del trueno......viene el
1.21 am
corte de la puta pc
ganamos como nunca y perdimos como siempre
la anotacion con porotos cuanto incide en el agro...
dioses benevolos dennos salud a Moni y a mi y a los gatitos Oranyi, Michina, Chico y Miau y al Oso y que la computadora no se pare...
0.16 -- 7 January 2023
take off your shoes before entering the house of a japanese
take off your shoes before entering the house of a japanese
Of course, they are not going to buy each person a pair of slippers
when you eat if you should put your chopsticks on the table...
There are Japanese cancheros like the storekeepers in the ear.
Don't pass food from toothpick to toothpick...
fill the cup with a Japanese and he will do the same for you...
English is a much easier language than Kalmyk.
splashing in this waterlogged land.......
The other night I confessed to the priest of Santa Clara
he had the whim of reproducing his own figure
the ñandu wanted to go up to heaven.., when he found out, chu chu took out the boleadoras and threw them at the ñandu... and it is now the southern cross... more alpha and beta than the centaur.....
I take the cartoons of cha chau... when they saw those clay objects move... since then gualichu laments with the voice of thunder... comes the
1:21 a.m.
pc bitch hack
we won like never before and lost like always
the annotation with beans how much does it affect agriculture...
benevolent gods give health to Moni and me and the kittens Oranyi, Michina, Chico and Meow and the Bear and that the computer does not stop...
0.16 -- 7 enero 2023
quitate los zapatos antes de entrar en la casa de un japones
take off your shoes before entering the house of a japanese
claro, no le van a comprar a cada persona un par de pantuflas
cuando comas si debes poner tus palillos en la mesa...
hay japoneses cancheros como los almaceneros en la oreja.
no pases comida de palillo a palillo....
llena la copa de un japones y el ara lo mismo por ti...
el ingles es un lenguaje mucho mas facil que el calmuco
chapoteando en esta tierra anegadiza.......
la otra noche me confese con el cura de santa clara
tuvo el capricho de reproducir su propia figura
el ñandu quiso subir al cielo.., cuando se entero chu chu saco las boleadoras y se las tiro al ñandu...y es ahora la cruz del sur...mas alfa y beta del centauro.....
tomo las caricaturas de cha chau....cuando vieron esos objetos de barro moverse....desde entonces gualichu se lamenta con la voz del trueno......viene el
1.21 am
corte de la puta pc
ganamos como nunca y perdimos como siempre
la anotacion con porotos cuanto incide en el agro...
dioses benevolos dennos salud a Moni y a mi y a los gatitos Oranyi, Michina, Chico y Miau y al Oso y que la computadora no se pare...
0.16 -- 7 January 2023-- 14.23
take off your shoes before entering the house of a japanese
take off your shoes before entering the house of a japanese
Of course, they are not going to buy each person a pair of slippers
when you eat if you should put your chopsticks on the table...
There are Japanese cancheros like the storekeepers in the ear.
Don't pass food from toothpick to toothpick...
fill the cup with a Japanese and he will do the same for you...
English is a much easier language than Kalmyk.
splashing in this waterlogged land.......
The other night I confessed to the priest of Santa Clara
he had the whim of reproducing his own figure
the ñandu wanted to go up to heaven.., when he found out, chu chu took out the boleadoras and threw them at the ñandu... and it is now the southern cross... more alpha and beta than the centaur.....
I take the cartoons of cha chau... when they saw those clay objects move... since then gualichu laments with the voice of thunder... comes the
1:21 a.m.
pc bitch hack
we won like never before and lost like always
the annotation with beans how much does it affect agriculture...
benevolent gods give health to Moni and me and the kittens Oranyi, Michina, Chico and Meow and the Bear and that the computer does not stop...
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