
domingo, 17 de abril de 2022

7.33am domingo 17 abril 2022 - ksf ---

7.33am domingo 17 abril 2022 - ksf
Veamos en que categoria intelectual esta Dolina...., o cual es su I.Q..., 
De mayor a menor: 2º Los que no saben que van a morir y viven en una razonable felicidad. 3º seres humanos que hablan de futbol, utilizan palabras como "el mentorazgo" y admiran a Stalin
7.33am domingo 17 abril 2022 - ksf
Categoria intelectual de Dolina...., o cual es su I.Q..., 
De mayor a menor: 
1º Los que beben Martini en la cama sin pensamientos excepto musica de 
2º Los que no saben que van a morir y viven en una razonable felicidad...., las vacas por ejemplo. 
3º Seres humanos SIN EDUCACION SERIA que hablan de futbol, utilizan palabras como "el mentorazgo" y admiran a Stalin, DOLINA por ejemplo.
4º Admiradores de pelotudos, libros como los del finado Victor Sueyro que lavan el cerebro con la muerte falsa que desvanece a los otros pelotudos.
5º Seudofilosofos....asiaticos --- como --- "el espacio actual se surfea.., no se camina...".., simplezas para religiosos, planeros

cangrejos de la isla navidad

18.04---doming 17 abril 2022

Plus Size Model Paloma Elsesser Is An Inspiration To Everyone

In a world where fat shaming is a socially accepted practice and we like our models to be ultra thin, trying to make it as a plus size model is no simple feat. Now imagine you’d also be a black woman, which is basically the discrimination trifecta. Paloma Elsesser fought those odds in one of the more superficial lines of work on the planet, and won.


Paloma was born in London and raised in Los Angeles. She lived in a predominantly black neighbourhoor, feeling a lot like outsiders in the very hip and rich city of LA. Once she started college, she moved to New York. She gained a degree in psychology and literature and actually never considered becoming a model.

One day some friends told her she had a unique look, so she decided to go to different modelling agencies. Since she was unschooled in all things fashion, none of them felt the need to give her a fair shot and they all rejected her.

----Paloma was born in London and raised in Los Angeles. She lived in a predominantly black neighbourhoor, feeling a lot like outsiders in the very hip and rich city of LA. Once she started college, she moved to New York. She gained a degree in psychology and literature and actually never considered becoming a model.

After sort of giving up on her dream of becoming a model, she got an email from a black makeup artist that was looking for unique faces. The artist, Pat McGrath, felt like Paloma had something cinematic to her face and absolutely wanted to work with her. And ever since that first modeling gig in 2015, her career has only skyrocketed upwards.

Paloma has been on the cover of pretty much every Vogue variant, has been a part of Victoria’s Secret 2021 swimsuit campaign and has garnered more and more respect as one of the faces of the newly found inclusivity of the fashion industry.

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